Joanne Spetz, PhD

Institute for Health Policy Studies
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Joanne Spetz is Director and Brenda and Jeffrey L. Kang Presidential Chair in Health Care Financing at the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies (IHPS), University of California San Francisco. IHPS is a 50-year-old research unit that conducts innovative research to support, guide, and enable policymakers, communities, and clinicians in making evidence-informed decisions that improve health and health care for individuals and families.

Dr. Spetz’s research focuses on the economics of the health care workforce, organization of health care services, and quality of health care. She directs the federally funded UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care, which generates evidence to ensure an adequate workforce to provide patient-centered care to individuals with long-term care needs across the lifespan. She is an internationally known expert on the nursing workforce, leading studies of nurse supply, demand, education, earnings, and contributions to the quality of care across healthcare settings. Her current research includes a federally funded study of the roles of nurse practitioners and other advanced practice clinicians in expanding access to medication treatment for opioid use disorder.

Dr. Spetz has expertise in the analysis of large secondary datasets, mixed-methods evaluation research, survey research, and econometric analysis. She teaches health economics and finance in the UCSF-UC Berkeley Master’s in Translational Medicine program and developed courses as a founding faculty member of the UCSF-UC Hastings Master’s in Health Policy and Law and the UCSF Master’s in Health Administration and Interprofessional Leadership (MS-HAIL) programs.

Dr. Spetz is an Honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. She received a Mentorship Award from the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues of AcademyHealth. She was a member of the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine Committee on Consideration of Generational Issues in Workforce Management and Employment Practices and the Institute of Medicine Standing Committee on Credentialing Research in Nursing. She serves on the Editorial Boards of Medical Care Research and Review and Health Services Research. She frequently provides testimony and technical assistance to state and federal agencies and policymakers. Dr. Spetz received her Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University after studying economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


An unclear partnership: key questions about physician and advanced practice provider collaboration in primary care.

Health Affairs Scholar

Martin E, Landon B, Spetz J, Edgman-Levitan S, Neprash H, Bates DW, Rotenstein L

Cost-effectiveness analysis design for interventions to prevent children's oral disease.

Frontiers in oral health

Spetz J, Rose J, Kahn JG, Lin T, Levy D, Pugach O, Hyde S, Borrelli B, Henshaw M, Martin M, Nelson S, Ramos-Gomez F, Gansky SA

Psychological safety is associated with better work environment and lower levels of clinician burnout.

Health Affairs Scholar

de Lisser R, Dietrich MS, Spetz J, Ramanujam R, Lauderdale J, Stolldorf DP

Gender Identity and Ethnoracial Disparities in Conversion Effort Exposure.

American journal of public health

Turban JL, Anderson CTM, Spetz J

State scope of practice restrictions and nurse practitioner practice in nursing homes: 2012-2019.

Health Affairs Scholar

Ryskina KL, Liang J, Ritter AZ, Spetz J, Barnes H

Perspectives on APRN prescribing of medications for opioid use disorder: Key barriers remain.

Journal of substance use and addiction treatment

Chapman SA, Fraimow-Wong L, Phoenix BJ, Tierney M, Spetz J

The Relationship Between Scope of Practice Laws for Task Delegation and Nurse Turnover in Home Health.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Candon M, Bergman A, Rose A, Song H, David G, Spetz J

Health research in academic health systems: time for a new model.

Health Affairs Scholar

Collard HR, Hooper S, Spetz J

Linking Patient Safety Climate With Missed Nursing Care in Labor and Delivery Units: Findings From the LaborRNs Survey.

Journal of patient safety

Zhong J, Simpson KR, Spetz J, Gay CL, Fletcher J, Landstrom GL, Lyndon A

Eliminate the buprenorphine DEA X waiver: Justification using a policy analysis approach.

Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

Jones KF, O'Reilly Jacob M, Spetz J, Hailer L, Tierney M

Alzheimer's Disease Services, Staffing, and Outcomes in Adult Day Health Centers.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Spetz J, Flatt JD

Nurse-Reported Staffing Guidelines and Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding.

Nursing research

Lyndon A, Simpson KR, Spetz J, Zhong J, Gay CL, Fletcher J, Landstrom GL

Buprenorphine Treatment: Advanced Practice Nurses Add Capacity.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Hailer L, Gay C, Tierney M, Schmidt LA, Phoenix B, Chapman SA

State-level scope of practice regulations for nurse practitioners impact work environments: Six state investigation.

Research in nursing & health

Poghosyan L, Stein JH, Liu J, Spetz J, Osakwe ZT, Martsolf G

Indirect COVID-19 health effects and potential mitigating interventions: Cost-effectiveness framework.

PloS one

Maya S, Kahn JG, Lin TK, Jacobs LM, Schmidt LA, Burrough WB, Ghasemzadeh R, Mousli L, Allan M, Donovan M, Barker E, Horvath H, Spetz J, Brindis CD, Malekinejad M

Beyond state scope of practice laws for advanced practitioners: Additional supervision requirements for buprenorphine prescribing.

Journal of substance abuse treatment

Andraka-Christou B, Gordon AJ, Spetz J, Totaram R, Golan M, Randall-Kosich O, Harrison J, Calder S, Kertesz SG, Stein BD

Bringing juvenile justice and public health systems together to meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of justice-involved youth.

The American journal of orthopsychiatry

Tolou-Shams M, Dauria EF, Rosen RK, Clark MA, Spetz J, Levine A, Marshall BDL, Folk JB, Gopalakrishnan L, Nunn A, project emPOWER’D expert consultant panel

Psychometric properties of the perinatal missed care survey and missed care during labor and birth.

Applied nursing research : ANR

Lyndon A, Simpson KR, Spetz J, Fletcher J, Gay CL, Landstrom GL

Optimal Staffing Models To Care For Frail Older Adults In Primary Care And Geriatrics Practices In The US.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Auerbach DI, Levy DE, Maramaldi P, Dittus RS, Spetz J, Buerhaus PI, Donelan K

The Role of Schedule Volatility in Home Health Nursing Turnover.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Bergman A, Song H, David G, Spetz J, Candon M

Medical Care Delivery in U.S. Nursing Homes: Current and Future Practice.

The Gerontologist

Katz PR, Ryskina K, Saliba D, Costa A, Jung HY, Wagner LM, Unruh MA, Smith BJ, Moser A, Spetz J, Feldman S, Karuza J

Medical Staffing Organization and Quality of Care Outcomes in Post-acute Care Settings.

The Gerontologist

Wagner LM, Katz P, Karuza J, Kwong C, Sharp L, Spetz J

Recommendations to Deliver Person-Centered Long-Term Care for Persons Living With Dementia.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Wagner LM, Van Haitsma K, Kolanowski A, Spetz J

Envisioning a more expansive future for multidisciplinary nursing scholarship and education.

Nursing outlook

Bostwick WB, Rutherford JN, Patil CL, Ploutz-Snyder RJ, Spetz J, Stephenson R, Yakusheva O

The Association Between Scope of Practice Regulations and Nurse Practitioner Prescribing of Buprenorphine After the 2016 Opioid Bill.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Nguyen T, Muench U, Andraka-Christou B, Simon K, Bradford WD, Spetz J

COVID-19 and the Health Workforce.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Armstrong D, Moore J, Fraher EP, Frogner BK, Pittman P, Spetz J

The Impact of Nurse Delegation Regulations on the Provision of Home Care Services: A Four-State Case Study.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Dudley N, Miller J, Breslin ML, Chapman SA, Spetz J

Missed Nursing Care During Labor and Birth and Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding During Hospitalization for Childbirth.

MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing

Simpson KR, Lyndon A, Spetz J, Gay CL, Landstrom GL

Nurse Practitioner Role and Practice Environment in Primary and in Nonprimary Care in California.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Winter S, Chapman SA, Chan GK, Duderstadt K, Spetz J

Measurement of nonbillable service value activities by nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and clinical nurse specialists in ambulatory specialty care.

Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Winter S, Chan GK, Kuriakose C, Duderstadt K, Spetz J, Hsieh D, Platon C, Chapman SA

Scope-of-Practice for Nurse Practitioners and Adherence to Medications for Chronic Illness in Primary Care.

Journal of general internal medicine

Muench U, Whaley C, Coffman J, Spetz J

Financial Vulnerability and Worker Well-Being: A Comparison of Long-Term Services and Supports Workers With Other Health Workers.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Muench U, Jura M, Spetz J, Mathison R, Herrington C

Service Value Activities by Nurse Practitioners in Ambulatory Specialty Care.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Winter SG, Duderstadt K, Chan GK, Spetz J, Stephan LM, Matsuda E, Chapman SA

Ensuring and Sustaining a Pandemic Workforce.

The New England journal of medicine

Fraher EP, Pittman P, Frogner BK, Spetz J, Moore J, Beck AJ, Armstrong D, Buerhaus PI

Modernizing Scope-of-Practice Regulations - Time to Prioritize Patients.

The New England journal of medicine

Frogner BK, Fraher EP, Spetz J, Pittman P, Moore J, Beck AJ, Armstrong D, Buerhaus PI

Admission of first generation to college pre-licensure master's entry and graduate nursing students.

Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Wagner LM, Alderson A, Spetz J

Changing home care aides: Differences between family and non-family care in California Medicaid home and community-based services.

Home health care services quarterly

Ko M, Newcomer RJ, Bindman AB, Kang T, Hulett D, Spetz J

Director of Nursing Perceptions of Physicians' Roles in US Nursing Homes.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Wagner LM, Katz P, Karuza J, Sharp L, Seet A, Kwong C, Spetz J

Adaptation of the MISSCARE Survey to the Maternity Care Setting.

Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN

Simpson KR, Lyndon A, Spetz J, Gay CL, Landstrom GL

Care Management For Older Adults: The Roles Of Nurses, Social Workers, And Physicians.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Donelan K, Chang Y, Berrett-Abebe J, Spetz J, Auerbach DI, Norman L, Buerhaus PI

Opioid-prescribing Outcomes of Medicare Beneficiaries Managed by Nurse Practitioners and Physicians.

Medical care

Muench U, Spetz J, Jura M, Guo C, Thomas C, Perloff J

Expansion of Dental Care for Low-Income Children Through a Mobile Services Program.

The Journal of school health

Spetz J, Pourat N, Chen X, Lee C, Martinez A, Xin K, Hughes D

Adherence to the AWHONN Staffing Guidelines as Perceived by Labor Nurses.

Nursing for women's health

Simpson KR, Lyndon A, Spetz J, Gay CL, Landstrom GL

Introduction to the Special Issue on the Workforce for Seriously Ill Older Adults in the Community.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Spetz J, Periyakoil VS

Impacts of Medical Marijuana Laws on Young Americans Across the Developmental Spectrum.

Maternal and child health journal

Schmidt LA, Jacobs LM, Vlahov D, Spetz J

Transcriptional effects of 177Lu-octreotate therapy using a priming treatment schedule on GOT1 tumor in nude mice.

EJNMMI research

Spetz J, Langen B, Rudqvist NP, Parris TZ, Shubbar E, Dalmo J, Wängberg B, Nilsson O, Helou K, Forssell-Aronsson E

Social and Political Factors Associated With State-Level Legalization of Cannabis in the United States.

Contemporary Drug Problems

Spetz J, Chapman SA, Bates T, Jura M, Schmidt LA

Exploring health economics course competencies' value for nurse administrators.

Nursing outlook

Platt M, Kwasky A, MacDonald DA, Spetz J

Building an international health economics teaching network.

Health economics

Frew E, Platt M, Brown H, Goodman A, Seidler E, Spetz J, McIntyre D

Emerging Roles for Peer Providers in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders.

American journal of preventive medicine

Chapman SA, Blash LK, Mayer K, Spetz J

Registered nurses' preferences for rural and urban jobs: A discrete choice experiment.

International journal of nursing studies

Fields BE, Bell JF, Bigbee JL, Thurston H, Spetz J

Community-Based Palliative Care Leader Perspectives on Staffing, Recruitment, and Training.

Journal of hospice and palliative nursing : JHPN : the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association

Dudley N, Chapman S, Spetz J

Rates of Exposure to Victimizing Events and Use of Substances Among California's Middle and High School Students.

The Journal of school nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses

Larson S, Brindis CD, Chapman SA, Spetz J

Nurses' Communication of Safety Events to Nursing Home Residents and Families.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Wagner LM, Driscoll L, Darlington JL, Flores V, Kim J, Melino K, Patel HD, Spetz J

Pediatric Workforce Issues.

Dental clinics of North America

Mertz E, Spetz J, Moore J

Characteristic Differences Between School-Based Health Centers With and Without Mental Health Providers: A Review of National Trends.

Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners

Larson S, Spetz J, Brindis CD, Chapman S

The Impact of Economic Recession On Registered Nurse Workforce Supply in California.

Nursing economic$

Yoo BK, Kim M, Sasaki T, Ward D, Spetz J

Schmidt et al. Respond.

American journal of public health

Schmidt LA, Jacobs LM, Spetz J

Few Hospital Palliative Care Programs Meet National Staffing Recommendations.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Dudley N, Trupin L, Rogers M, Meier DE, Dumanovsky T

The effect of prior healthcare employment on the wages of registered nurses.

BMC health services research

Yoo BK, Kim M, Lin TC, Sasaki T, Ward D, Spetz J

Nurse Practitioner Autonomy and Satisfaction in Rural Settings.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Spetz J, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA

Young People's More Permissive Views About Marijuana: Local Impact of State Laws or National Trend?

American journal of public health

Schmidt LA, Jacobs LM, Spetz J

Wage Growth for the Health Care Workforce: Projecting the Affordable Care Act Impact.

Health services research

Parente ST, Feldman R, Spetz J, Dowd B, Baggett EE

Differences in Innovative Behavior Among Hospital-Based Registered Nurses.

The Journal of nursing administration

Dy Bunpin JJ, Chapman S, Blegen M, Spetz J

The Nursing Profession, Diversity, and Wages.

Health services research

Spetz J

Effect of Prior Health-Related Employment on the Registered Nurse Workforce Supply.

Nursing economic$

Yoo BK, Lin TC, Kim M, Sasaki T, Spetz J

Ongoing Attention to Injurious Inpatient Falls and Pressure Ulcers.

JAMA internal medicine

Spetz J, Brown DS, Aydin CS

Future Demand For Long-Term Care Workers Will Be Influenced By Demographic And Utilization Changes.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Trupin L, Bates T, Coffman JM

How many nurse practitioners provide primary care? It depends on how you count them.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Spetz J, Fraher E, Li Y, Bates T

Defining competencies for education in health care value: recommendations from the University of California, San Francisco Center for Healthcare Value Training Initiative.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Moriates C, Dohan D, Spetz J, Sawaya GF

The demand for health care workers post-ACA.

International journal of health economics and management

Frogner BK, Spetz J, Parente ST, Oberlin S

Comparison of Nurse Staffing Measurements in Staffing-Outcomes Research.

Medical care

Park SH, Blegen MA, Spetz J, Chapman SA, De Groot HA

The economics of preventing hospital falls: demonstrating ROI through a simple model.

The Journal of nursing administration

Spetz J, Brown DS, Aydin C

Electronic health record availability among advanced practice registered nurses and physicians.

The American journal of managed care

Coffman JM, Spetz J, Grumbach K, Fix M, Bindman AB

What do health care unions do?: A response to Manthous.

Medical care

Ash M, Seago JA, Spetz J

Creating a dashboard to track progress toward IOM recommendations for the future of nursing.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Spetz J, Bates T, Chu L, Lin J, Fishman NW, Melichar L

Scope-of-practice laws for nurse practitioners limit cost savings that can be achieved in retail clinics.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Parente ST, Town RJ, Bazarko D

Identifying potential predictors of a safe attending physician workload: a survey of hospitalists.

Journal of hospital medicine

Michtalik HJ, Pronovost PJ, Marsteller JA, Spetz J, Brotman DJ

Demand for temporary agency nurses and nursing shortages.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Seo S, Spetz J

How can we obtain data on the demand for nurses?

Nursing economic$

Spetz J, Kovner CT

Developing a model for attending physician workload and outcomes.

JAMA internal medicine

Michtalik HJ, Pronovost PJ, Marsteller JA, Spetz J, Brotman DJ

The value of reducing hospital-acquired pressure ulcer prevalence: an illustrative analysis.

The Journal of nursing administration

Spetz J, Brown DS, Aydin C, Donaldson N

Using minimum nurse staffing regulations to measure the relationship between nursing and hospital quality of care.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Spetz J, Harless DW, Herrera CN, Mark BA

Baccalaureate education in nursing and patient outcomes.

The Journal of nursing administration

Blegen MA, Goode CJ, Park SH, Vaughn T, Spetz J

California's minimum nurse staffing legislation: results from a natural experiment.

Health services research

Mark BA, Harless DW, Spetz J, Reiter KL, Pink GH

Predictors of students' success in community college nursing programs.

The Journal of nursing education

Seago JA, Keane D, Chen E, Spetz J, Grumbach K

Patient turnover and the relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes.

Research in nursing & health

Park SH, Blegen MA, Spetz J, Chapman SA, De Groot H

Isoniazid vs. rifampin for latent tuberculosis infection in jail inmates: toxicity and adherence.

Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care

White MC, Tulsky JP, Lee JR, Chen L, Goldenson J, Spetz J, Kawamura LM

What determines successful implementation of inpatient information technology systems?

The American journal of managed care

Spetz J, Burgess JF, Phibbs CS

Immigration and contract problems experienced by foreign-educated nurses.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Pittman P, Herrera C, Spetz J, Davis CR

Comparison of patient outcomes in Magnet® and non-Magnet hospitals.

The Journal of nursing administration

Goode CJ, Blegen MA, Park SH, Vaughn T, Spetz J

Staffing changes before and after mandated nurse-to-patient ratios in California's hospitals.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Serratt T, Harrington C, Spetz J, Blegen M

Nurse staffing effects on patient outcomes: safety-net and non-safety-net hospitals.

Medical care

Blegen MA, Goode CJ, Spetz J, Vaughn T, Park SH

Hospital RN job satisfaction and nurse unions.

The Journal of nursing administration

Seago JA, Spetz J, Ash M, Herrera CN, Keane D

How should we collect data on the nursing workforce?

Nursing economic$

Spetz J, Kovner CT

The effect of minimum nurse staffing legislation on uncompensated care provided by California hospitals.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Reiter KL, Harless DW, Pink GH, Spetz J, Mark B

Hospital information technology systems' impact on nurses and nursing care.

The Journal of nursing administration

Waneka R, Spetz J

Payment regulations for advanced practice nurses: implications for primary care.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Chapman SA, Wides CD, Spetz J

Changes in nurse satisfaction in California, 2004 to 2008.

Journal of nursing management

Spetz J, Herrera C

Implications of the California nurse staffing mandate for other states.

Health services research

Aiken LH, Sloane DM, Cimiotti JP, Clarke SP, Flynn L, Seago JA, Spetz J, Smith HL

Do wages matter?: a backward bend in the 2004 California RN labor supply.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Tellez M, Spetz J, Seago JA, Harrington CM, Kitchener M

How have mandated nurse staffing ratios affected hospitals? Perspectives from California hospital leaders.

Journal of healthcare management / American College of Healthcare Executives

Chapman SA, Spetz J, Seago JA, Kaiser J, Dower C, Herrera C

Information technology implementation in a rural hospital: a cautionary tale.

Journal of healthcare management / American College of Healthcare Executives

Spetz J, Keane D

Leading successful rapid response teams: A multisite implementation evaluation.

The Journal of nursing administration

Donaldson N, Shapiro S, Scott M, Foley M, Spetz J

California's minimum-nurse-staffing legislation and nurses' wages.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Mark B, Harless DW, Spetz J

Evaluating success. Strategies and challenges for understanding IT implementation in a rural hospital.

Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM

Spetz J, Keane D

Job and industry turnover for registered and licensed vocational nurses.

The Journal of nursing administration

Spetz J, Rickles J, Chapman S, Ong PM

Nurses working outside of nursing: societal trend or workplace crisis?

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Black L, Spetz J, Harrington C

How many nurses per patient? Measurements of nurse staffing in health services research.

Health services research

Spetz J, Donaldson N, Aydin C, Brown DS

Minority nurses' experiences on the job.

Journal of cultural diversity

Seago JA, Spetz J

Hospital demand for licensed practical nurses.

Western journal of nursing research

Spetz J, Dyer WT, Chapman S, Seago JA

College students' perceptions of nursing: a GEE approach.

Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.)

Seago JA, Spetz J, Keane D, Grumbach K

The nursing shortage: is it really about image?

Journal of healthcare management / American College of Healthcare Executives

Seago JA, Spetz J, Alvarado A, Keane D, Grumbach K

Changes in service availability in california hospitals, 1995 to 2002.

Journal of healthcare management / American College of Healthcare Executives

Kirby PB, Spetz J, Maiuro L, Scheffler RM

How can employment-based benefits help the nurse shortage?

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Adams S

California's minority majority and the White face of nursing.

The Journal of nursing education

Seago JA, Spetz J

Public policy and nurse staffing: what approach is best?

The Journal of nursing administration

Spetz J

California's minimum nurse-to-patient ratios: the first few months.

The Journal of nursing administration

Spetz J

Nurse staffing and hospital ownership in California.

The Journal of nursing administration

Seago JA, Spetz J, Mitchell S

Are gatekeeper requirements associated with cancer screening utilization?

Health services research

Phillips KA, Haas JS, Liang SY, Baker LC, Tye S, Kerlikowske K, Sakowski J, Spetz J

NAPNES board of directors position paper regarding supply, demand, and use of licensed practical nurses.

The Journal of practical nursing

Seago JA, Spetz J, Chapman S, Dyer W, Grumbach K

Out-of-pocket expenditures for oral contraceptives and number of packs per purchase.

Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (1972)

Phillips KA, Stotland NE, Liang SY, Spetz J, Haas JS, Oren E

The future of the nurse shortage: will wage increases close the gap?

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Given R

Minimum staffing ratios: the California workforce initiative survey.

Nursing economic$

Seago JA, Spetz J, Coffman J, Rosenoff E, O'Neil E

Viagra and contraceptives.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Phillips KA, Spetz J, Haas JS

Minimum nurse-to-patient ratios in acute care hospitals in California.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Coffman JM, Seago JA, Spetz J

Registered nurse pre-licensure education in California.

Nursing economic$

Seago JA, Spetz J

Measuring shortages of hospital nurses: how do you know a hospital with a nursing shortage when you see one?

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Grumbach K, Ash M, Seago JA, Spetz J, Coffman J

Hospital registered nurse shortages: environmental, patient, and institutional predictors.

Health services research

Seago JA, Ash M, Spetz J, Coffman J, Grumbach K

Errors in data on hospital ownership.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Mitchell S, Spetz J, Seago JA

The growth of multihospital firms in California.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Mitchell S, Seago JA

Hospital use of nursing personnel: holding steady through the 1990s.

The Journal of nursing administration

Spetz J

Maintaining an adequate supply of RNs in California.

Image--the journal of nursing scholarship

Coffman J, Spetz J