Alexander Smith, MD, MPH, MS

Associate Professor
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Dr. Smith is Associate Professor in the UCSF Division of Geriatrics. Dr. Smith is clinically trained in palliative medicine and completed a research fellowship in General Internal Medicine.  Dr. Smith's research interests are in prognosis estimation, communication, and dissemination.  Dr. Smith is co-founder of the online compendium of prognostic indices and a blog for dissemination of geriatrics and palliative care related research,  Dr. Smith is very active in mentoring at UCSF, and was awarded the 2019 Academic Distinction in Mentoring Award at the Associate Professor level.

Featured Publications: 

Pandemic Palliative Care Consultations Spanning State and Institutional Borders.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Nakagawa S, Berlin A, Widera E, Periyakoil VS, Smith AK, Blinderman CD

Transforming Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Dementia through Music and Filmmaking.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Gubner J, Smith AK, Allison TA

During COVID-19, Outpatient Advance Care Planning is Imperative: We need All Hands on Deck.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Block BL, Smith AK, Sudore RL

Integration of an Objective Cognitive Assessment Into a Prognostic Index for 5-Year Mortality Prediction.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Kotwal AA, Lee SJ, Dale W, Boscardin WJ, Waite LJ, Smith AK

Scripts and Strategies for Discussing Stopping Cancer Screening with Adults >?75 Years: a Qualitative Study.

Journal of general internal medicine

Schonberg MA, Jacobson AR, Karamourtopoulos M, Aliberti GM, Pinheiro A, Smith AK, Schuttner LC, Park ER, Hamel MB

Patterns and Trends in Advance Care Planning Among Older Adults Who Received Intensive Care at the End of Life.

JAMA internal medicine

Block BL, Jeon SY, Sudore RL, Matthay MA, Boscardin WJ, Smith AK

Key Ingredients of an Ideal System for High-Quality Community Care for Persons With Dementia.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Oh A, Smith AK, Allison TA

Who Becomes a High Utilizer? A Case-Control Study of Older Adults in the USA.

Journal of general internal medicine

Smith GM, Cenzer IS, Covinsky K, Reuben DB, Smith AK

Palliative Care in the Nursing Home-Shifting Paradigms.

JAMA internal medicine

Hunt LJ, Stephens CE, Smith AK