Thye Peng Ngo, RN, MSN, FNP, CNE, CHSE

Thye Peng Ngo is a PhD candidate at Indiana University School of Nursing (IUSON). His dissertation focuses on peer collaboration and clinical decision-making among nursing students in immersive virtual reality simulation. As a certified nurse educator (CNE) and certified healthcare simulation educator (CHSE), Thye is a Faculty Innovating for Nursing Education (FINE) scholar at IUSON and a former scholar of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH).

Besides being a full-time student, Thye is currently a full-time tenured assistant professor at Glendale Community College and a part-time clinical instructor at UCLA, teaching prelicensure nursing students. His clinical background includes cardiac telemetry nurse, heart failure nurse navigator, and family nurse practitioner. As a novice researcher, Thye is passionate about studying decision-making, collaboration, and technology.

Research Interests: Exploring cognitive biases impacting healthcare professionals' collaboration and clinical decision-making caring for underrepresented and minority populations, including LGBTQ and immigrants, using healthcare technology.